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Making an affordable TV ad
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TV advertising basics
TV ads explained
Different ways to use TV
Cost of TV advertising
Targeting explained
5 steps to getting on TV
1. Define your marketing objectives
2. Choose a partner to work with
3. Decide on your strategy
4. Make a TV ad
5. Measure results and review
How to use TV
How to use TV
Introduction to spot advertising
Reach and frequency
TV advertising time lengths
Flighting: How best to spread your ratings across a campaign
Ad break innovation
Introduction to BVOD
Reasons for using BVOD
Creative opportunities in BVOD
Buying BVOD
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TV Sponsorship
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Advanced TV
What is advanced TV?
Why use advanced TV?
Advanced TV in practice
Buying advanced TV advertising
The advanced TV toolkit
Broadcaster solutions
Advanced TV advertising: everything you need to know
CFlight: measuring reach & frequency across linear TV & BVOD
TV’s positive impact
Introduction to accessible TV advertising
How to make TV ads accessible
Accessible TV advertising on UK TV
How advertising can address the climate crisis: The Greenprint, by ITV/System1
TV and climate action
Channel 4’s Change Climate Season
Accessibility: TV ad collection
Sustainability ad collection
TV advertising’s ultimate nickable charts
Nickable studies: Thinkbox research 2024
Thinkbox research
Profit Ability 2: The new business case for advertising
Context Effects
Earning Attention
The drivers of profitability
Creative Drivers of Effectiveness
BVOD Almighty: Reach and Return
Adnormal Behaviour
The TV playbook for online businesses
Signalling Success
Demand Generation
As Seen on TV: supercharging your small business
A Matter of Time: the importance of time-length in TV advertising
The Age of Television: the needs that drive us
From Brand to Bland: what happens when you take away people’s favourite brands?
Get with the programmes: the Thinkbox guide to TV partnerships
Marketing Effectiveness in the Digital Era: Media in Focus
TV Response: new rules, new roles
The long and the short of it
The Value of TV: A Behavioural Science Perspective
Download the full Profit Ability 2: The new business case for advertising report
TV is at the heart of effectiveness white paper by Peter Field
From Good to Great: Improving the Odds
Giving attention a little attention: download the white paper
Effectiveness in Context: free download
Media in Focus: free download
Nickable Charts
Viewing & Audiences
Ultimate Nickables
Sector Specific
Effectiveness & Planning
Charts on film
The immediate and carryover effects of advertising
TV has the highest saturation point
Advertising effectiveness shifts post-covid have been incremental
Profitability varies by media channel
Identifying the reach extenders
Timelengths over time
The power of excess share of voice
The scale of different media owners
Factors driving ROI
The Multiplier Effect
The needs that drive viewing
Media Signalling
Training & tools
Media Mix Navigator
Strategies for marketing through a downturn
Training & tools
Media Mix Navigator
Media Mix Navigator
What is the Media Mix Navigator?
When to use the Media Mix Navigator
Media Mix Navigator: There are no guarantees, but there is guidance
Media Mix Navigator: it’s a guide, not gospel
Barb data
Profile report
Reach report
Top ads report
Top programmes report
Barb: the industry’s standard for understanding what people watch
Barb Glossary
TV Masters: our online training course
Bespoke advertiser training
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Useful resources
Trends in TV 2024
Strategies for marketing through a downturn
How to calculate CPTs
How TV is traded
TV channels and sales house contacts
Audience profiles
Case studies
News & Opinion
Training & tools
Barb data
Top ads report
Top ads report
week 11, March 10 - 16
Updated on: March 25, 2025
/ Posted on: April 2, 2018
Top 50 ads of the week, plus the top 10 ads by major brand category
Table Info
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#Barb reports