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Watch 'Effectiveness in a changing media landscape' on demand

Watch 'Effectiveness in a changing media landscape' on demand

Posted on: September 27, 2016

On the 31st October we kicked off Eff Week with ‘Effectiveness in a changing media landscape’, brought to you by Thinkbox and Google. 

Lessons in effectiveness
Nina Bibby, Consumer and Marketing Director at O2, tells us how she drives marketing effectiveness in the business and how changes in the industry have influenced her approach over time. 

Effectiveness in a changing media landscape
The Godfathers of marketing effectiveness, Les Binet and Peter Field, unveil the first part of their highly anticipated new study for the IPA, ‘Marketing in the digital age’. It follows on from their previous works, ‘Marketing in the era of accountability’ and ‘Advertising effectiveness: the long and short of it’, both of which were landmark examinations of how advertising actually works.

What now?    
A brilliant panel of ad experts discuss the implications of Binet & Field’s latest discoveries. Panelists are: Mark Earls, Herdmeister at Herd Consultancy; Simon Harwood, Head of Creativity and Innovation, PHD Media; Lorna Hawtin, Disruption Director at TBWA\Manchester; and Ian Cairns, Head of Marketing Communications and Brand from easyJet.

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